In the economy, industry and commerce are divided into different areas, called sectors. This term can be derived from the Latin word “sector” and literally means “something that cuts”. A sector is therefore a section, you can also say an area.
Different sectors in the economy
The primary sector
It comprises the original production, also called primary production. This means that in this area, the raw materials are extracted and delivered for further processing. So this is about the procurement of unprocessed goods directly from nature. The first sector includes agriculture, fishing, forestry, hunting, and the extraction of natural resources such as coal. The primary sector is therefore associated with a lot of physical work. It is also said that the sector is “labor-intensive”.
The secondary sector
This is also called the industrial sector. As the name suggests, the focus is on the industry. This is where the raw materials from the first sector are processed. In addition to industry, this area also includes craft, energy and water supply, and the construction industry. The secondary sector, therefore, needs a lot of machines and the raw materials for further use. Because the raw materials and the machines for processing must be purchased, a lot of capital, i.e. money, has to be raised. Forex brokers here can give an aid.
The tertiary sector
This is also called the service sector. In the third area, the goods are distributed and consumed. All professions that cannot be assigned to the first two sectors fall under this area. Banks, trade, administration, doctors, journalists, lawyers, hospitality, insurance, cultural workers, and many others make up the service sector. This means that this sector is, above all, very labor-intensive, so you need a lot of workers.
The Quaternary sector or also known as the information sector
However, the use of the term in economy is not uniform. According to one definition, this includes activities from the tertiary sector that require a lot of responsibility or require high intellectual abilities – such as consulting activities such as lawyers, business consultants, medical and educational professions or professions in information and cutting-edge technology such as computer or biotechnology.